

Step1Go to ibon and click [代碼輸入] at the upper-left corner on the screen (as you can see in the image below).




Step2Enter Payment code [繳費代碼] / Pick-up code [取票代碼], which is sent via email, and click [下一步].




Step3Confirm the purchase information, then click [確認]. The payment voucher [繳費單據] / pick-up voucher [取票單據] will be printed by the machine. Please bring the voucher to the counter to checkout / pick up the tickets.


  • 超商代碼繳費→於ibon多媒機臺繳費後,系統即於三個工作日後寄送[電子票券]或[ibon取票代碼]至您購買時填寫的信箱。繳費完成後不會立即拿到票劵!!!
  • After paying via ibon, the booking system will send the eTickets / ibon pick-up code via email after THREE BUSINESS DAYS. That is, you WILL NOT get the tickets immediately after checkout.
  • 若您於繳費後,未在三個工作日後收到[取票代碼]或[電子票劵憑證]信件,可於您電子信箱中的垃圾郵件資料夾找尋,若依然找尋不到信件,請聯繫Foam Party 泡泡音樂節Facebook粉絲專頁小編,亦或是將您的問題反映至泡泡音樂節公司信箱
  • If you don’t get the email of Barcode or Pick-up code THREE BUSINESS DAYS after your payment, please check the “Spam” folder first. If there is still no email, please send a private message to the Facebook Fanpage of Foam Party, or contact us via email
  • 取票小提醒(請依照您訂票時選擇的取票方式進行取票動作)
  • Reminder of tickets pick-up:
    • 電子憑證→如您選擇電子憑證取票方式,則您的票劵將以電子郵件夾帶PDF檔案寄至您購買時所填寫的信箱,活動入場時請點選此信件內[訂單]表格中[線上開啟]/[下載儲存]鈕,以開啟您的電子票券憑證。請勿刪除此電子憑證郵件!!!
    • eTickets→An email with PDF file attached will be sent via email. Please click Open Online[線上開啟]or Download[下載儲存]and show the Barcode to be scanned on entry into the venue. Notice: DO NOT delete this eTickets email



  • ibon取票(7-11)→於ibon多媒機臺繳費後,請於三個工作日後7-11- ibon多媒體機臺進行取票動作,一組[取票代碼]最多可領取4張票券,若您購買4張以上票券則會有兩組取票號碼,而一張票券手續費為20元。(建議於兩週內取票)
  • ibon Ticket Pick-up System (7-11) →Please go to 7-11 and enter the Pick-up code at ibon to get the tickets THREE BUSINESS DAYS after your payment. One Pick-up code can only pick up four tickets at the most. If you purchase more than four tickets, then you will get two Pick-up codes. Extra NT$ 20 fees will be cost per ticket. Suggest to pick up the tickets within two weeks.



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