

Step1Go to Kenting Music Festival Tickets ( and select the ticket you want to buy. Click [馬上購買] to enter the booking system (as you can see in the image below).



Step2Confirm the number of the tickets, then click [結帳] to checkout.



Step3Choose the way you want to for ticket pick-up:

A. eTickets[電子憑證]: A Barcode will be delivered via email. Show the digital copy of the Barcode on the mobile (or any digital device) to be scanned on entry into the venue.

B. ibon Ticket Pick-up System[ibon取票]: A Pick-up code will be sent via email. Use the code to get the physical tickets printed via 7-11 ibon system. This will cost an extra NT$ 20 fees.

Enter your Name (姓名), Mobile Number (手機) and E-mail. Check[我已詳細閱讀並同意遵守「個資隱私權政策」內數條款。]to confirm that you have read and understood the information and agree to the policy of personal data using. Click[送出訂單]to checkout your order.



Instructions for payment and pick up




Credit Card (pay online)


After paying online, the booking system will send the Barcode via email WITHIN AN HOUR.



ATM Transferring (pay via ATM)


After ATM transferring, the booking system will send the Barcode via email WITHIN TWO DAYS.


Convenience Store Payment (pay via Multiple Media Kiosk at convenience store)


After paying via Multiple Media Kiosk, the booking system will send the Barcode via email AFTER THREE BUSINESS DAYS.



Credit Card (pay online)

完成線上付款後,即可至7-11 ibon多媒體機臺進行取票動作。(建議於兩週內取票)

The tickets will be available for pick-up at 7-11 ibon system right after paying online. (Suggest picking up the tickets within two weeks.)


ATM Transferring (pay via ATM)

於自動櫃員機轉帳,兩日後至7-11 ibon多媒體機臺進行取票動作。(建議於兩週內取票)

 After ATM transferring, the tickets will be available for pick-up at 7-11 ibon system AFTER TWO DAYS. (Suggest picking up the tickets within two weeks.)


Convenience Store Payment (pay via Multiple Media Kiosk at convenience store)

於7-11/全家/萊爾富/OK便利商店多媒體機臺繳費,三個工作日後7-11- ibon多媒體機臺進行取票動作。(建議於兩週內取票)

After paying via Multiple Media Kiosk at 7-11/Family Mart/Hi-Life/OK-Mart, the tickets will be available for pick-up at 7-11 ibon system AFTER THREE BUSINESS DAYS. (Suggest picking up the tickets within two weeks.)



若您於繳費後,未在上方表定時間內收到[取票代碼]或[電子票劵憑證]信件,可於您電子信箱中的垃圾郵件資料夾找尋,若依然找尋不到信件,請聯繫Foam Party 泡泡音樂節Facebook粉絲專頁小編,亦或是將您的問題反映至泡泡音樂節公司信箱

If you don’t get the email of Barcode or Pick-up code after your payment, please check the “Spam” folder first. If there is still no email, please send a private message to the Facebook Fanpage of Foam Party, or contact us via email



Step4Confirm the order again and click[確認付款]to checkout.

Step5→選擇[付款方式]- A.信用卡付款、B.自動櫃員機、C.超商代碼

Step5Choose the way of payment:

A. Credit Card (信用卡)

B. ATM Transferring (自動櫃員機)

C. Convenience Store Payment (超商代碼)



A. Credit Card→Enter Card Holder's Name (持卡人姓名), Card No. (信用卡號), Valid Date (有效期限), Mobile Number (手機號碼), then click[付款]to checkout. UnionPay, VISA, Mastercard and JCB are accepted, while American Express is not accepted.



B. ATM Transferring→Choose the bank, and click [取得ATM繳費帳號] to get the transferring information. Please ATM transfer before the due date. Land Bank of Taiwan (臺灣土地銀行), Yuanta Bank (元大銀行), Bank of Taiwan (臺灣銀行), Cathay United Bank (國泰世華銀行), CTBC Bank (中國信託), E.Sun Bank (玉山銀行), First Bank (第一銀行), Taipei Fubon Bank (富邦銀行), and Taishin Bank (臺新銀行) are accepted. Interbank transfer may cost extra fees.


C.超商代碼→點選[取得超商代碼]後,依[繳費資訊]於繳費期限內至7-11/全家/萊爾富/OK便利商店多媒體機臺進行繳費動作。(小編特別提醒,臺灣四大便利商店多媒體機臺皆可進行繳費動作,但取票僅限於7-11 ibon機臺唷 !)

C. Convenience Store Payment→Click[取得超商代碼]to get the payment code, and go to 7-11/Family Mart/Hi-Life/OK Mart to pay via Multiple Media Kiosk before the due date. The four convenience stores mentioned above are available for paying, but tickets pick-up is only available at 7-11 ibon.



  • 貼心小提醒


若您選擇的取票方式為ibon取票者,請至7-11 ibon多媒體機臺「取票」,


這樣您的購票流程才算完全結束喔 !

  • Reminder:

After a payment, the booking system will send the Barcode or the Pick-up code via email. If you choose ibon Ticket Pick-up System, please go to 7-11 to get the physical ticket printed via ibon. If you choose eTickets, you will receive an email with a PDF file attached.


  • ibon取票(7-11)→如您選擇ibon取票方式,請您於繳費的三個工作日後依您的[取票代碼]至7-11 ibon多媒體機臺進行領票動作,一組[取票代碼]最多可領取4張票券,若您購買4張以上票券則會有兩組取票號碼,而一張票券手續費為20元。(建議於兩週內取票)
  • ibon Ticket Pick-up System (7-11) →Please go to 7-11 and enter the Pick-up code at ibon to get the tickets THREE BUSINESS DAYS after your payment. One Pick-up code can only pick up four tickets at the most. If you purchase more than four tickets, then you will get two Pick-up codes. Extra NT$ 20 fees will be cost per ticket. Suggest to pick up the tickets within two weeks.


  • 電子憑證→如您選擇電子憑證取票方式,則您的票劵將以電子郵件夾帶PDF檔案寄至您購買時所填寫的信箱,入場時請點選此信件內[訂單]表格中[線上開啟]/[下載儲存]鈕,以開啟您的電子憑證進行驗票動作。請勿刪除此電子憑證郵件!!!
  • eTickets→An email with PDF file attached will be sent via email. Please click Open Online[線上開啟]or Download[下載儲存]and show the Barcode to be scanned on entry into the venue. Notice: DO NOT delete this eTickets email!




  • 便利商店多媒體機臺操作流程教學傳送門👉

Multiple Media Kiosk payment tutorials:

  • 7-11:ibon[繳費&取票]教學 (7-11: ibon tickets payment and pick-up tutorial)

  • 全家:FamiPort [繳費]教學 (Family Mart: FamiPort tickets payment tutorial)


  • 萊爾富:Life-ET [繳費]教學 (Hi-Mart: Life-ET tickets payment tutorial)


  • OK:OK‧GO[繳費]教學 (OK Mart: OKGO tickets payment tutorial)





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